Pastor Solomon Wolde-Endreas: A Life of Faith and Service

ECD Mission News July 15, 2024

In a solemn moment of reflection, we remember Pastor Solomon Wolde-Endreas, President of the Eritrea Mission Field of the East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists, a devoted servant of God who has completed his earthly journey. His life was a testament to faith, humility, and dedication to the service of others.

Born with a calling to serve, Pastor Solomon spent decades shepherding his congregation with compassion and grace. His leadership was marked by humility, touching the hearts of many within the church and beyond. Under his guidance, the Adventist community in Eritrea flourished, embracing the teachings of love, compassion, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ.

According to Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, death is viewed not as an end but as a temporary rest until the blessed resurrection at the second coming of Christ. Pastor Solomon’s life exemplified this hope—he lived each day in anticipation of the glorious promise of reunion and eternal life.

“As Seventh-day Adventists, we find comfort in knowing that death is not the final chapter,” remarked Pastor Blasious Ruguri, president of the East-Central Africa Division of SDA, “We believe in the blessed hope of resurrection when Jesus returns, and Pastor Solomon’s life was a reflection of this hope. His legacy of faith and service will continue to inspire generations.”

During this time of mourning, our thoughts and prayers are with Pastor Solomon’s family. May they find solace in the memories of his love and in the comforting belief that one day soon, they will be reunited in the presence of our Lord.

As we celebrate Pastor Solomon Wolde-Endreas’s life, let us remember his profound impact on the Eritrean Adventist community and his enduring legacy of faith, service, and hope in the resurrection to come.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. Revelation 14:13