
Pastor Joel Okindo
Evangelism Director
Rose Kahenya
Adminstrative Secretary

Welcome to the Evangelism page of the East-Central Africa Division (ECD) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, where we are passionate about sharing the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Coordinated by Pastor Joel Okindo, our Division Evangelism Coordinator, and supported by dedicated Union coordinators and field/conference leaders, we strive to spread the message of hope and salvation throughout our territory.

At ECD, we are driven by a deep passion for evangelism, believing it to be the heartbeat of our mission. As Ellen G. White reminds us, “Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life.” (The Desire of Ages, p. 195).

We actively engage in various initiatives to fulfill our evangelistic mission, including:

  • Total Member Involvement (TMI): Empowering every member to actively participate in sharing their faith through personal and community outreach efforts.
  • Ongoing and Planned Evangelistic Campaigns: Collaborative efforts across our divisions, unions, and local churches to conduct impactful evangelistic campaigns that reach hearts and transform lives.

Scripture instructs us in Mark 16:15 (NIV), “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” This commandment serves as our guiding principle in spreading the gospel message far and wide.

We emphasize the importance of personal involvement in evangelism. Each church member is encouraged to share their faith journey, invite others to study the Bible, and participate actively in outreach activities. As a church, we pray earnestly for the leading of the Holy Spirit to double our current membership through both personal and communal evangelism efforts.

We invite you to explore our resources, participate in upcoming evangelistic events, and join us in spreading the good news of salvation to all. Together, let us fulfill our mission to prepare people for the soon return of our Savior, Jesus Christ.