
Edison Nsengiyumva
Stewardship Director
Elizabeth Ruguri
Administrative Assistant

Embracing Faithful Stewardship: A Call to Action

In the heart of every believer lies a call to stewardship—a sacred responsibility to manage the blessings God has entrusted to us. Stewardship is not merely about tithes and offerings, but about a holistic commitment to faithfulness in every aspect of our lives.

At the core of Adventist stewardship is the recognition that everything we have belongs to God. From our time and talents to our health and environment, we are called to faithfully manage these gifts in a way that honors our Creator and advances His kingdom.

Faithful stewardship begins with a heart fully surrendered to God. As we align our priorities with His will, we experience the joy of giving, the satisfaction of serving, and the peace that comes from living in harmony with His principles. Whether it’s through diligent care for our bodies, responsible use of our resources, or intentional service in our communities, stewardship is a continuous expression of our love and commitment to God.

The blessings of faithful stewardship are abundant. As we return our tithes and offerings, God promises to open the windows of heaven, pouring out blessings that we cannot contain (Malachi 3:10). But beyond material blessings, stewardship enriches our spiritual lives, strengthens our faith, and deepens our relationship with God.

Let us recommit ourselves to being faithful stewards in all things, knowing that our faithfulness is a testament to our trust in God’s providence. As we faithfully manage what He has entrusted to us, we not only contribute to the growth of His kingdom on earth but also prepare for the eternal inheritance He has promised to those who love Him.